Brave Strong Girl

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There is Always Hope

I have had the most awesome first week of returning to work.  Every place I went I was met with such love and encouragement. When I stepped into my office I was met with a celebration - festive decorations, notes of love, beautiful flowers - and lots of hugs.  I have missed them so much.

I finished the week with a quick trip to Indiana, Pennsylvania to speak at a "Sisterhood" women's night for my friend, Kim Masengale and The Summit Church.  Kim and her husband Mel have a beautiful, growing congregation (and 2 amazing daughters, Abbie and Emma).  Over 400 ladies showed up on Friday night and I shared my heart about how important it is to create healthy female relationships.  It snowed both days I was there and I got to meet with Kim's leaders on two different occasions.  It was a wonderful weekend and I felt like my old myself.

Today Mark and I bought groceries, watched the Masters and tonight I shared dinner with my mom, finished the laundry and got myself ready for another week.

My heart is happy.  My body is feeling strong.  My attitude is hopeful.

This is a good moment. A hopeful moment.

This journey definitely has highs and lows; good and bad; discouragement and hope.  I want to remember both the highs and the lows.  They both testify to me of the faithfulness of God.

If you find yourself in a less than good moment in your own journey, please let me encourage you to just keep standing.  Tonight you will rest and tomorrow will be a new day.  You'll have a better perspective.  You'll get some good news.  There is always hope.

And if things are dark and you are at the end of your rope, then I'd like to lend you my favorite verse.  (I wrote a blog called Resolute that talks about why this is my favorite verse.)

Hold fast to the confession of your faith because He who promised is faithful. 

Heb 10:23

When you don't feel it, then just confess it.

Don't confess your weakness, but rather confess your faith.  It doesn't take much.  Just a mustard seed of faith is enough to please God and move mountains.

Then get some rest.  Wait on the Lord.  He is faithful.