Brave Strong Girl

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For The Woman Who Feels Overwhelmed

Guest Blog by Marisa Donnelly.

To find out more about this Brave Strong Girl Mentor, simply visit her mentor profile right here!

This is for the woman who is tired and overworked, for the woman who can barely lift her head. This is for the woman who may need a few cups of coffee to get through the day, or has simply been exhausted this season and unable to find her footing again. 

I want you to know that I see you, I hear you—you are not alone.

I wish I could tell you that things will get easier, but the truth about life is that there are always ups and downs. Yes, the short answer is that things will get easier. But they will also get harder from time to time. They will also be frustrating. And you will undoubtedly question your purpose, the lesson, and whether God is even listening at all. (He is.)

It’s been a hard season, a hard year. There have been unexpected turns and curveballs, opportunities that have been missed and chances you thought you would take but couldn’t. Maybe you lost a loved one. Maybe loved walked out on you. Maybe you believed in something better, only to be disappointed by the outcome. I know how that feels.

I wish I had the right words, the proverbial magic wand, or the prayer that would take it all away. But life doesn’t work like that. Life is dead ends and turn-arounds, broken stoplights, open highways, and stop signs when you least expect them. 

Life is learning how to navigate all of the roadblocks only to realize God’s been in the driver’s seat all along. 

I know you feel overwhelmed right now, maybe even a little out of control. I know you’re just trying to keep afloat, plastering a smile on your face because you think you should. It’s hard, trying to keep appearances when you just want to curl up under a blanket. I see you, I know. 

But the truth is—even amidst all of this pain—there is hope. And not the kind of hope that slips through your fingers like sand, but the hope that stays. The hope that sticks. 

There won’t be a perfectly-paved road or an interstate without traffic. There won’t be green lights all along the path. But there will be moments of joy that you can cling to, laughter that sits in your belly, smiles that unconsciously lift the corners of your mouth, good books you will read, grass between your toes, and loved ones whose touches on your skin make you feel alive. 

There will be infinite little moments that remind you of the beauty of God’s creation—this life and you. 

So please, hold on just a little longer. Take a deep breath, then another, then another. Call up a loved one. Cry in your pillow. Read the Bible. Take a long walk. Try to reset yourself and when you can’t, pray until the pain subsides.

Because even though you’re overwhelmed, you won’t feel this way forever.

You may feel tired and weak right now, but our God carries us through the darkest storms. And He is with you right now. (I promise.)