Pray for Jan - New Update

“Lord, give me firmness without hardness, steadfastness without dogmatism, love without weakness.”

Jim Elliot

It’s been a long week - but a good one.

I am so grateful for the countless prayers, gifts, phone calls and text messages I’ve received from you.

Reviewing all the posts has been like taking a road trip down memory lane. Thank you for spreading the prayer call all over the world.

Personal Update:

I am currently in recovery from the biopsy procedure and doing quite well. My incision is healing well and I am scheduled to see see the doctor for a follow-up (with more results/plan of action) on September 9th.

Prayer Requests:

  • Continued healing and overcoming of the related fatigue and nausea.

  • Grace for myself and my family as we prepare for the next season. (Worry free!)

  • That my actions and attitudes will be helpful, encouraging and honest and honor God’s leadership in my life.

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Thanks to each of you who sent flowers - they are stunning - and to the many of you who donated gift cards - we shall be satisfied for weeks to come.

Get your own personalized bracelets from @stacksbysanch.


Do you need prayer too?

Are you facing a cancer diagnosis?  Maybe you're in the midst of a financial crisis, a marriage collapse or the loss of someone you love.  Maybe you are simply lonely or discouraged.  Can I encourage you?  God has not forgotten you or your pain.  He's present to encourage you.  Lean into God, even in your darkest moments.  You will find him faithful.

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