A Teachable Moment


While driving down the road this week, I had a very important conversation with one of my boys. We talked about something we've discussed many times before without seeming to make any progress.

This time, it penetrated.


It was a teachable moment.

I wondered why now and not before?

Often I communicate "right and wrong" rather than "love and acceptance." If I only instruct, then what I really say is you must learn to be good because you are bad.

We shouldn't teach because someone is wrong, but because someone is loved.

  1. Jesus represented God as a loving Father. If we believe God is loving, then we trust Him to use His power in a loving, healthy way.

  2. If we believe He is more concerned about His "rightness" then we'll interpret His instruction and discipline as judgment. No one sets out to judge their children (or spouse, or family or even themselves).

I love our children and I so want to instill in them a genuine, life-long love affair with Jesus. I'm sure you feel the same. My goal is to communicate love, acceptance and security. If the heart is safe, it will be trusting, teachable and even compliant.

I'm praying to more fully embrace the love of God for myself so that others may experience through me His acceptance. If I do, we will both be good soil for the truth and find many more teachable moments!