Ever After: The Truth Behind the Happily

 By Alicia Guzzardo

Jan's Endorsement

As a young woman I struggled with great insecurities.  I worried about what others thought, fretted over my appearance and struggled to be sure I was a part of the right crowd and doing the right things.  I loved God and was obedient to my parents, but on the inside my heart was tossed and torn by all kinds of fear.  As I read Ever After, The Truth Behind the Happily, I found myself easily relating and joyfully celebrating Alicia Guzzardo’s story of how she was set free from fear and found her value in Christ alone.  Alicia can help you too.  She frankly addresses the secret thoughts, hopes and dreams of a young woman and helps her learn to bring her desires and thoughts captive to Christ alone.  She speaks up about sex, dating, boyfriends, dreams, insecurity and waiting. I’d recommend this book to every young woman, to every mom of a young woman, and to every one of us who have wrestled with deep-seated questions about our value, purpose and dreams. 

Source: http://bit.ly/BSGEverAfter