No Longer an Orphan: Never Abandoned, Never Alone

By Dana Stone

Jan's Endorsement

Dana Stone has an uncanny ability to put others at ease.  Over the years, I’ve watched countless men and women quietly draw near, sit down at her knee and wait to receive encouragement, counsel and even revelation.  Each one comes for something different.  Some need reassurance, some to find salvation, some to have their gifts revealed and some to overcome feelings of rejection, isolation or loss.  With careful attention, Dana reaches into the depths of her love walk with Christ and pulls out the perfect pearl or two of God’s love.  Every pearl reveals an aspect of God’s love and faithfulness. People are able to receive those pearls and be healed, renewed and empowered to walk more fully with God.   

When you hold No Longer an Orphan: Never Abandoned, Never Alone in your hand, it is as if you are pulling up a chair at Dana’s knee.  She will quietly draw you, create a place of safety, and begin to share her personal story of overcoming loneliness that somehow has life-giving application for you.  As you read, you will reach out and grasp hold of a display of love revealed through the beautiful pearls of His character, and you will be changed. I recommend this book to anyone who has ever struggled to feel accepted, valued or loved.
